On 5 July 2019, the 'Free Play Pledge' was launched.
This is a commitment made by individual coaches, teams or clubs, in the UK and internationally, to implement the following pledges:
1. Youth sports belong to the children who play them. Children’s views must be sought and acted upon. Children have the right to participate equally and without selection.
2. At least 50% of our games are free play. Free play is a childhood right: it is not objective based.
3. Adults should facilitate the game which should be adapted to meet the needs and wishes of the children playing it, e.g. smaller sided matches, smaller pitches, mixed age play.
The aim is to unite progressive allies who are trying to change the youth game (and this applies to all sports) so that we can use our strength together for the benefit of children.
All signatories (and twitter handles) are able to use the 'Free Play Pledge' logo. Signatories are listed below:
Debbie Sayers
Salisbury Rovers FC @Salisburyrovers
Paul Goodwin @live4footy
Lytham YMCA U13 Blacks
Rise Volleyball @RiseVolleyball
Stu Armstrong @stu_arm
Junior Red Star YFC @RedStarYFC
Rob Porter @RJPcoach
Primed And Ready Academy @PrimedAndReadyA
Nick Wilkinson @Nick_Wilko_
Maryland Rovers FC Street Soccer @fc_maryland
James Lally @James_Lally
FC Abbey Meads u13 Strikers
David Ede @dav1d3d3 Verwood Girls FC @verwood_girls
Ickenham Youth FC @ickenhamyouthfc
Stephen Kavanagh @marmotted
Thurlaston Community Girls FC
Lee Bass Gretna 2009 @LeeB1712
The Magic Academy @TheMagicAcad
Chris Needham @NeedhamChris10
Soccer Fun Club @ClubFunSoccer
Ade Stovell @StovellAde
Dan Cottrell @Dan_Cottrell
Go Wembo! gowembo.com
Steve Merritt @ferrittman
Andy Stevens @FiftyThree12
Daniel Skakich @skakich
Blandford Utd u12
Cody Vandermyn @codeman9 Cobra Sport Academy @CobraSportAcad
Keith Healy @kaiz3r81
Owen Woods @CoachOwen1
Tony Prescott @SupastarSoccer1
Dan Eggington @DanEggington
Robin Russell @Sportspath
Game, Play, Learn @_gameplaylearn_
Mark O'Sullivan @markstkhlm
Chrissy Regler @Chrissy_fd
Chris Kirkham @Chrisk5771
Bridlington Soccer School
Joey Peters @joeypeters10
.Mark Lee @MarkLeeFC
Simon Brown @pebbsybrown
Shipston RFC U11s
James Green
Toby Bishop @tobish26
Leonidas Kouvaras @LeonKouvaras
Ted Kroeten
Joy of the People @JOYofthePEOPLE
Paul Whitty @paul_whitty
Jack Rolfe @The_CoachingLab @JPR_25
Rushmoor Futsal Development Centre @rushmoorfutsal
North Hampshire Youth Futsal League @Futsal_NHYFL
Antonio Mantero @Coachdiary @lethekidplay @TCH_AfterSchool